Poker chips are the currency of the game, used to place bets, and in some cases, cashed in to win big. As Bicycle Cards puts it, “Betting is the key to Poker, for the game, in essence, is a game of chip management.” Chips are what you use to bet. The sum total of the value of poker chips you hold when cashing in determines how much you win.
As is the case with, say, Monopoly money, there are different color chips, each of which gets assigned its own value. What that value is can vary depending on the game being played and the poker room.
If you’re playing poker at home, you can assign your own poker chip color values to bet as much or as little as you are comfortable with. That having been said, there are standard values normally used when playing poker. Let’s explore further below.
Some betting houses will have the poker chip value clearly listed on each chip. But this isn’t always the case. And if you’re playing a game at home, it’s likely that your chips won’t be labeled with a dollar value. So here is a list of standard poker chip values by color.
When playing poker with five colors of chips, here are the standard dollar values for each color.
Generally, each poker player should start with around 50 chips, with an entire set of chips most commonly having about 300 or so chips in total, with 100 of those being white and 50 of each being red, blue, green, and black respectively.
No two players stack their poker chips the same way, as Martin Harris for PokerNews notes. That having been said, if you’re a new poker player looking to avoid drawing too much attention to yourself, you might want to “stack your chips in 20, keep your stacks relatively orderly, and be sure to keep the big chips up front and visible”.
Looking for your next set of poker chips? We sell a variety of high-quality poker chip sets with 200 chips, 300 chips, 500 chips, and more. Find what you need today at chipsandgames.com!