Clay poker chips information and information on other poker chips
Poker chips these days can be made of any material or weight group. There are 7.5 gram to 14 gram poker chips that may be made of clay, ABS composite (clay composite), plastic or other materials. There is really no standard for poker chips that are used for home games and it is all about personal preference. People that don't mind spending a little extra usually buy the clay poker chips which are superior in quality to the other types. These chips normally weight in around 11.5 gram and some are even 14 gram and mostly have a metal insert. Clay poker chips generally feel and sound more like real casino poker chips do and that is the main reason they are preferred over other types of chips. As far as pricing for the clay chips goes they are about 10 to 40 percent more expensive than other types of poker chips such as composite poker chips. Of course that would not make the other types cheap poker chips as far as the quality goes. The quality is still good on the non-caly chips but it won't have the same feel, texture or sound. Many designs are available in clay and the most popular is the classic dice design poker chips also known as dice striped chips. We feature many types of chips in clay poker chips and non-clay type that would fit any budget so make sure to check out our homepage for our great selection of casino supplies at great prices.